Your Economic Development Resource in Pitt County

Pitt County Economic Development

Pitt County Court House Front Steps

十大平台网赌局(PCED)是皮特县的主要经济发展机构. Through innovative programs, dedicated staff, 以及皮特县委员和许多合作伙伴的支持, PCED将领导和支持经济多样化的努力, expand the local tax base, 提高皮特县的生活质量和商业环境.

In May of 1957, 北卡罗来纳大会允许皮特县委员会授权对工业发展委员会征税. 皮特县工业发展委员会于1959年2月成立,董事会由皮特县委员任命. Beginning FY 21-22, 该委员会成为十大平台网赌委员会, a department of Pitt County government.  工业发展税被纳入县的普通基金从价税率.

十大平台网赌吸纳新产业,并协助现有产业的保留和扩张. PCED为工业项目谈判激励措施,以确保新的和扩大投资,并创造高于县平均工资的新就业机会.  自1987年以来,已颁发了1 000多万美元的经济发展奖励. Incentives include water, sewer, and gas extensions; road, rail, and site improvements; performance-based grants to companies; and supplemental workforce training. From 1987-2021, nearly 15,000 jobs and over $2.新的和正在扩大的行业已经宣布了50亿美元的投资.

十大平台网赌公司还拥有约140英亩的工业地产,并建造了外壳建筑以吸引新的投资.  In the past 2 years, 皮特县投资了700多万美元,提供有吸引力的工业物业,以加强招聘工作.

Additionally, 十大平台网赌支持当地的创业机会,并运营一个企业孵化器/加速器, the Technology Enterprise Center (TEC). 该县于1995年购买了以前的纺织制造设施,迄今已花费约400万美元购买和翻新该建筑物. The TEC currently has approximately 35,000 sf of leasable space, 其中70%由12个租户占据,还有北卡罗来纳制药服务Network@PCC培训设施.

十大平台网赌工作通过与许多合作伙伴的合作来完成其使命, 包括但不限于北卡罗莱纳州商务部, the Economic Development Partnership of NC, the NC Biotechnology Center, local municipalities, public-private partnerships, neighbor Counties, East Carolina University, Pitt Community College, and local utilities.


PCED Staff

Kelly Andrews, CEcD, Director 
Email Kelly

A member of the PCED staff since 2006, 凯利·安德鲁斯(Kelly Andrews)是十大平台网赌部主任.  安德鲁斯之前是市场营销和招聘的PCED助理总监,在此之前,他曾在NC劳工部担任学徒和培训顾问.  Kelly holds an MBA from East Carolina University, 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校工商管理学士学位, 并通过国际经济发展理事会(IEDC)获得认证经济发展商(CEcD)。.  She currently serves on the NCEDA Board of Directors, 格林维尔-皮特县商会董事会, and the ECU Engineering Advisory Board.  安德鲁斯还是工业资产管理委员会(IAMC)的成员。.



Chris Bulla, TMP, Marketing & Recruitment Specialist
Email Chris

Chris Bulla于2021年加入PCED,担任市场营销和招聘专员.  With over 25 years of experience, Bulla加入PCED时拥有相当丰富的市场营销经验, communications, and public affairs.  之前的职位包括北卡罗来纳州博览会的助理经理和市场开发总监, 北卡罗莱纳动物园的市场营销和公共事务总监, 伦道夫县旅游发展局执行主任.  Bulla也是webslingerZ, Inc .的联合创始人、股权合伙人和营销总监.这是一家位于北卡罗来纳州教堂山的互联网解决方案提供商. 她曾就读于肯塔基大学和北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗分校, 获得传播学学士学位,辅修英语.


R. Wayne Rollins, Business Retention & Expansion Specialist
Email Wayne

Wayne Rollins于2021年加入PCED,担任业务保留和扩展专家.  罗林斯在中东委员会工作了16年,服务于5个县, including Pitt, as a Business Services Manager.  罗林斯在劳动力发展方面有丰富的经验, employer relations, grant-writing and project management. 他还在商业和工业领域担任各种职务超过25年.  罗林斯是认证项目经理(维拉诺瓦大学), 认证商业和雇主服务专业人士, and was previously an ACT Certified WorkKeys Profiler. 


Crystal Melton, Project Manager
Email Crystal

A member of the PCED staff since 2015, Crystal Melton担任十大平台网赌项目经理. 她曾担任行政助理.  作为一名拥有超过25年政府工作经验的行政专业人员, engineering, and general office positions, 梅尔顿担任办公室经理以及技术企业中心的经理, Pitt County’s business incubator.  她还管理PCED的赠款和特殊项目.

梅尔顿拥有勒诺瓦社区学院计算机工程AA学位以及其他计算机技术认证, office administration, and mechanical drafting and design.


Ms. LaKesha Alston-Forbes (Secretary)
District 3
Greenville, NC
Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity
East Carolina University
Term Expires:  12/31/18
Mr. Thomas Kulikowski
District 4
Greenville, NC
President and Chief Executive Officer
Penco Products, Inc.
Term Expires:  01/09/20
Mr. Thomas E. Asbell II (Treasurer)
District 2
Bethel, NC
Correctional Superintendent
NC Department of Corrections
Term Expires:  12/31/18
Mr. Ernis Lee
District 2
Greenville, NC
Director, College Outreach
Pitt Community College
Term Expires:  12/31/18
Ms. Kim A. Bell
District 6
Ayden, NC
Retired Health Educator
Term Expires:  01/09/20
Mr. Daniel Van Liere
District 6
Greenville, NC
Government Relations Officer
Vidant Medical
Term Expires:  12/31/18
Mr. Jimmy Garris (County Commissioner Rep.)
District 5
Greenville, NC
Retired Manager
Term Expires:  –
Mr. Mike McCarty (Vice Chair)
District 2
Greenville, NC
Vice President, Development and Construction
Taft Development Group
Term Expires:  12/31/18
Ms. Stacy Gaskins
District 6
Grimesland, NC
Branch Manager
Term Expires:  12/31/20
Ms. Pattie Mills
District 2
Greenville, NC
Project Manager
Nobles Land Improvement, LLC
Term Expires:  1/09/20
Dr. Thomas Gould
District 6
Winterville, NC
VP of Academic Affairs
Pitt Community College
Term Expires:  12/31/20
Mr. Randy Walters (Chair)
District 4
Farmville, NC
Farmville Furniture Company
Term Expires:  12/31/20
Dr. Michael Harris
District 6
Ayden, NC
Chair, Depart. of Management & Director
of the Small Business Institute
College of Business East Carolina University
Term Expires:  12/31/18
Dr. David M. White
District 4
Greenville, NC
Dean, College of Engineering & Technology
East Carolina University
Term Expires:  12/31/17
Mr. Merrill Jones, II
District 1
Greenville, NC
Ward and Smith P.A.
Term Expires:  01/09/20
